Skydiver Training Program Tip: How Many Dives in a Day?

It’s one of the most common questions we get about the Skydiver Training Program (other than price): How many training jumps can I do in a day? How many SHOULD I do in a day? While the ideal number of jumps in a day will of course vary with the student’s fitness, goals, and budget, there is one very strong recommendation we make for everyone:

Every time you show up to jump, plan on at least two jumps that day.

Why at least two? What if you’re trying to stretch a budget and can only afford one jump at a time? Here’s why we recommend at least two jumps in a day: Any time a student skydiver jumps after a layoff, even if it’s only a few days or a week, the first jump that day will be a re-familiarization with freefall and canopy flight to some degree. And you won’t learn new information as well while you’re getting back in the swing of things. If you are able to make two or more jumps in a day, then you are current for all of your jumps after the first, back in your groove, and ready to gain some new mad skillz. 🙂

So if you can only budget for four dives a month, for example, we’d recommend that you save your pennies and plan to do all four in one day (ideally), or two dives a day on two different days. You’ll progress faster and reduce the chances that you’ll need to repeat a level, which will also help you save some cash.

P.S.: Don’t forget that you’ll need to skydive at least once every 30 days to avoid having to repeat a level for non-currency. Chat with manifest to schedule your next jump!